5 Tips For Keeping Your Invisalign Aligners Clean
Keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is one of the first things I teach my Smile Pop patients. I teach them how their daily diet can not only stain their teeth, but also their Invisalign aligners and attachments. So what food and drink items top this list? Keep reading.

1. Coffee. Not only can it stain, but it’s very acidic. You definitely want to remove your aligners when drinking this sweet, sweet nectar because not only will it discolor your Invisalign aligners, any acidic liquid that gets trapped under the aligner and on your teeth can weaken the enamel over time. Be like me and remove your aligners and even consider sipping your cup of joe through a straw.
2. Red wine. You’ll want to remove your aligners for the same reasons as coffee above, but definitely do not sip wine through a straw. Keep. It. Classy.
3. Turmeric. This middle eastern spice is typically found in hot beverages and delicious dishes. In my opinion, this spice is totally trending now, too. Because of the orange-like tint to this spice, not only should you remove your aligners while eating this, but this is one where you should try and rinse with some water before reinserting them.
4. Saffron. This is another delicious spice that tastes great with risotto, but is not worth the yellowing it can cause on your pearly whites. Treat this like turmeric: remove your aligners while consuming and rinse with water (or even better – brush your teeth) before reinserting.
5. Ginger. One last spice that is great for weight loss, but bad for staining. Treat this like turmeric, too.
I’m not saying that you shouldn’t eat or drink these items, but be mindful of what they can do. You might be asking yourself, “Dr. Courtney – I’m trying. to keep my Invisalign aligners clean, but what if I can’t brush my teeth after I consume these?” Then check out my YouTube video on different tips and tricks I tell my patients with managing every day life realistically with Invisalign.
Interested in learning more tips and tricks to help you #getyoursmileon ? Then subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Instagram, or come into Smile Pop where consults are always complimentary. Schedule here!